Members' Day 2024


More than 100 groundspreaders from around New Zealand met in Christchurch in July to discuss the issues and opportunities for the ground-based nutrient application industry ahead of the new season.

Groundspread NZ President Simon Pedersen opened the day with a discussion focused on achieving a quality spread. This session generated a lot of conversation around the increased use of blended fertilisers and the incompatibility of some products, which impacts the ability of an operator to achieve the quality spread that they are trying to attain each time that they jump into their truck.

Australian Fertiliser Services Association President Shane Dellavedova said that granule hardness was a massive shift in quality parameters across the ditch, as the dust caused by products crushing in spinners was often the cause of striping issues.

Representatives from the major fertiliser co-ops were present and showed a keen interest to work with the industry in ensuring that their products were able to spread as intended when they left their stores, and it was clear that more education about blends and physical properties with both farmers and those recommending products was critical in achieving a quality spread for their shared clients.

The Fertiliser Quality Council then socialised their new Spreadmark Code of Practise (COP) with attendees and highlighted some of the new requirements for groundspreaders in this document. The Spreadmark COP focuses on addressing the environmental impacts of spreading fertiliser. What was abundantly clear during this session was that there is a whole industry out there who are passionate about the environment and doing their job well to ensure the best agronomical and environmental outcomes in the work that they undertake. This passion is generational and was showcased in a presentation to members about the 30-year history of the Spreadmark scheme and the massive investment by members of Groundspread NZ in ensuring its continued relevance for New Zealand farmers and growers.

In the afternoon, there was an opportunity for attendees to contribute to important conversations impacting the groundspread industry. The first focussed on ‘Health & Safety’ and included the launch of a new industry health and safety toolkit, the benefits of virtual reality training, and information about the TruckSafe and HarmFree initiatives.

The second session was all about ‘Developing your Workforce’ and growing people in the industry. Primary ITO, MITO, Muka Tangata and Education Unlimited all had representatives present to discuss training opportunities with Groundspread NZ members.

The third session was focused on ‘Spreadmark’ and was an opportunity to keep the conversations from the morning session going, contribute to the COP, and discuss what they would like to see for the future of the scheme.

The final session was an opportunity for members to discuss the structure of their Association in the light of the new Incorporated Societies Act. These sessions were a mix of information out and information in which will help guide the work of the National Council for the upcoming season in representing their constituents.

At the Annual General Meeting, John Schultz was awarded Life Membership of Groundspread NZ for his immense contribution to the Association and industry. John’s 20+ year involvement has seen him serve in numerous roles including National VP on multiple occasions, as well as President through his own personal tragedy. John is always someone on the end of the phone to call for support and advice and he is highly regarded by all members, evident by the standing ovation he received when being presented his Life Membership.

The sixth annual industry awards were celebrated in the evening at a black-tie gala held at the Rydges Hotel.

The awards were devised to recognise and commend individuals who have made a significant and positive contribution to the groundspreading industry.

The awards also serve to raise the profile of the essential role groundspreaders play in the food production chain in New Zealand.

Groundspreaders are typically the first step in ensuring on-farm productivity, by spreading nutrients accurately and evenly, using the latest technology, finely calibrated vehicles, and highly trained operators, groundspreaders help farmers and growers get the best out of their nutrient spend.

The skill involved in groundspreading means that food production in New Zealand gets the best start possible.

Congratulations to the following individuals on being awarded these prestigious awards this year:

  • Graymont Health and Safety Award: Jessie Freer (Sandfords Spreading)
  • Ballance Agri-Nutrients President’s Award: Graeme Martin
  • Keith Andrews Innovation Award: James Stenton (Mainland Spreading)
  • Ravensdown Young Achiever’s Award: Nicole Furniss (Te Awamutu Bulk Spreaders)


The 2024 winners all stood out in their fields, however there were many other impressive nominees which demonstrates that the industry is in excellent hands.

Wayne Langford, President of Federated Farmers, was the keynote speaker at this event. Like farmers, groundspreading is often a solitary profession so his advice to members regarding mental and physical wellness was a timely reminder about taking care of yourself, others around you and to do something that fills your cup every day.

For the first time, there was another large group celebrated at the awards gala. 19 groundspreaders from around NZ have been involved in the GroundED leadership training programme in 2024 and have gathered many skills along the way that will help them in leadership roles in both their professional and personal lives. Executive Officer Rose Hyslop said that “nurturing leadership across the network is a key value of Groundspread NZ and it was heartwarming to see these individuals grow, many of them confidently taking facilitator and speaking roles at the members day and gala and should feel extremely proud of themselves”.



As discussed at the Members’ Day, this is a living draft document and your feedback matters! Please take some time to read through the draft documents and provide feedback to Kylie, Lee or myself before this document goes to the final approval stage with the FQC in November. or

Developing your Workforce

Micro-credentials developed for the industry


Health & Safety

NZ Trucking

Branch Structure